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Bacardi Prozent Alkohol

Bacardi Rum: Alcohol Content Explained

A Comprehensive Guide to Bacardi's Alcohol Percentages

Bacardi, the iconic rum brand founded in 1862, offers a range of rums with varying alcohol contents. Understanding these percentages is crucial for informed consumption and responsible enjoyment.

Alcoholic Content of Bacardi Products

* Bacardi Carta Blanca Rum: 37.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) * Bacardi RAZZ: 32% ABV * Bacardi Superior (White Rum): 40% ABV * Bacardi Añejo Cuatro: 40% ABV * Bacardi Superior (Light Rum): 40% ABV * Bacardi Gold: 40% ABV * Bacardi Black: 40% ABV

Bacardi vs. Other Alcoholic Beverages

Compared to beer and wine, Bacardi and other distilled spirits generally have higher alcohol content. This means that they contain a larger percentage of pure alcohol (ethanol).

Serving Recommendations and Responsible Consumption

The high alcohol content of Bacardi requires responsible consumption. It is recommended to drink in moderation and enjoy the flavor profiles of the different variations responsibly. Bacardi can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or as part of cocktails.


Bacardi's range of rums offers varying alcohol content percentages, catering to different preferences and drinking occasions. Understanding these percentages empowers consumers to make informed choices and enjoy Bacardi responsibly.
